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Together we hit the road with style!

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

1. How many different bicycles does Anderson Bicycle Company carry?

We offer many standard, specialty and custom bicycles. Because of our custom shop and the many possible options available, our variety of bicycles is virtually unlimited. If there is a particular brand or model that you are interested in that we do not already have in stock, we will happily investigate availability and pricing for you.

2. Which bicycle should I buy?

There are several factors that influence the type, make and model of bicycle that would best fit your needs. Size, price and type of course you plan to ride all affect the best choice. Drop in to discuss this with one of our employees. All Anderson Bicycle Company employees are bicycle enthusiasts and some own several styles of bicycles to cover different sporting events or casual uses.

3. Should I really wear a helmet?

Short answer: Yes! Head injuries are no laughing matter and a fall from a bicycle, especially when you are going fast, can cause a concussion. Helmets are relatively inexpensive and we have many models to choose from. Please be safe!

4. How important is a light/reflector?

Even if you are not planning to be out in the full dark of night both are a must! In twilight you may be able to see well enough to ride, but a passing motorist may not be able to see you. Reflectors and lights can make a big difference in their ability to see you!

5. How many gears is enough?

There is no single correct answer to this. For most people 10 to 15 gear combinations are fine. In fact in the upper numbers some gear combinations are near duplications of each other. However, some experienced bicyclists find it helpful to use certain gear combinations that are only available with 21, 24 or 28 speed bikes.

6. Does Anderson Bicycle Company sell folding bicycles?

We currently do not stock any, but have several models that we have special-ordered for out customers. Drop in any time and we will be happy to show you several manufacturer's catalogs showing numerous models of folding bicycles.