Bicyclist 1Anderson Bicycle Company LogoBicyclist 2

Together we hit the road with style!


Standard Bikes
Mountain bicycle picture Currently road bikes and mountain bikes are our top sellers! It seems that we cannot overstock these popular bicycles. We have hundreds of bicycles in these styles in stock and more arriving each day! Feel free to come in, take a look and even take a spin on one on our sidewalk!
We also sell many exciting trick bicycles for those whose passion is for stunts! Drop in for some excellent deals on these hot wheels! Trick bicycle picture
Tricycle picture Don't forget wheels for the littlest ones in your family! Our boss has a soft spot in his heart for kids who like trikes. He has lots of stories about his first red tricycle!
Specialty Bikes
The boss's wife loves these bicycles built for two. Come see what a treat is is to take a slow ride into the country with your sweetie! Bicycle for two picture
Custom Bikes
Racing bicycle picture Not only do we carry a wide range of standard racing bicycles built here and at other fine manufacturers, we also make and special order many fine custom bicycles for those with extra special requirements!
Services and Other Products
Don't forget the accessories! A helmet is essential and we carry many models and sizes! Also special colored tires, a great variety of seats and lots of extras. Riding helmet picture
Broken bicycle picture Also remember that we cater to anyone needing help with repairs or assembly! We love bikes and people who want to ride them!