Mar. 2011 21

More raw milk

It has been a busy couple of weeks between work, caring for a sick CheeseWife™ and making cheese!  I am sorry for the lack of posts and still plan to post a simple guide to making Quark (cream cheese without cream).

This weekend my wife was feeling a bit better and wanted to get out of the house and I wanted more raw milk so we headed out on a little adventure.  We drove to All-Natur_L farm near Alvarado to try their milk.  I bought several gallons so I could make quark and some Edam cheese and have one gallon left over for my wife for her cereal.  She raved over how good the milk is and the quark was great on some toast this morning. We also bought some of their eggs and some artisan cheddar cheese made from their milk.

I’m fairly lactose intolerant so I do not drink milk.  I can handle a small amount of soft cheese and quite a bit of firm cheese.

I made the quark Sunday.  This is what it looks like just after draining in some butter muslin:

picture: quark cheese

After this point I mixed a little less than a tablespoon of sea salt into the cheese and then it is ready to eat.  The CheeseWife™ has dubbed quark “Physics Cheese” from Murray Gell-Man’s naming of certain sub-atomic particles “quarks.”  Also because it’s probably smarter to eat quark than cream cheese given the lower fat content.  The whole milk from All-Natur_L is somewhat richer in butterfat than ordinary grocery store milk but not nearly as high fat as cream.  Notice that the quark is slightly yellow from the butterfat.  The quark was not quite as soft as cream cheese but tasted excellent!